Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Am I a Leader?

I wasn't at work for the past two days and that really felt good - even though I spent yesterday and today attending a course on Leadership Style. A week before the course I was asked to complete a Harrison-Innerview interview.

Once you complete them, the InnerView program produces a series of computer-generated reports covering your suitability for various careers, professions, and different work environments. It is supposed to assess your suitablity and match your interests, preferences, and skills with your job. Hmm... is this kinda of late? After all I'm already here in the organisation. Why wasn't I given this during my job-interview stage? So there I was, one late evening, spending about 20 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

You know I hate these questionnaires, I'd rather you asked me in person. Plus I'm not so sure if my responses were spontaneous or thought out. One of the instructions mentioned that you are to rank the statements close to you and be forthcoming. So that's that, I thought....

Until the trainer gave me the reports containing a detailed breakdown analysis of my traits, preferences, dispositions, strengths and weaknesess all in the context of leadership. God, it was quite a revelation for me.

And to think I know myself pretty well.

More on this tomorrow night, dear readers.


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