Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Service to Others

"If you want to find your true purpose in life, know this for certain -- Your purpose will only be found in service to others, and in being connected to something far greater than your body, mind, and ego."
You know I really like that quote, but I'm finding it hard to bring it close to me.

Verdict: I'm still looking for this.

Didn't write much after the new year -- I wanted to know how it feels like not to blog for a few weeks, but it turned out that abstinence wasn't even necessary as I'm not addicted to this in the first place.

Worked up early today and did the Eid ul-Adha prayers at Ba'alwi Mosque. I can't explain it but this mosque has such a powerful attraction to me that everytime I go there my mind is crystal clear and focus and I just feel calm. It's uncanny.

My father used to take me there when I was just a toddler. Could it be due to that earlier affinity? Or am I just doing another silly reminisce here?


At 6:29 am, Blogger Em said...


I reckon the first bit of ur post is betul but wat if u lose that purpose..den it wld be not pt to be of svc to others would it.

At 2:27 pm, Blogger Summersnail said...

You know I dread that as well. You think you've found your calling/purpose in life, but then you lose that purpose... and then what?

At 3:20 pm, Blogger Em said...

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At 3:21 pm, Blogger Em said...

Im in dat predicament rite now hence the sleepless nites..

Guess its to the drawin board and go back to what I knw and am good at..still tinkin tho

At 10:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When we talk about purpose, I could talk for hours but I'll just say that as long as what we do is towards the highest purpose and that is: Mardhatillah :)

And coming from an amateur psychologist :p, that last bit... it IS because of your earlier affinity... your mind has created an anchor of peace and calmness to the place... plus, malaikah guard masjids and they pray for you and... who knows, envelop you in the folds of their wings of Nuur... :)
Wallahu a'alam :)

At 5:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was in a mode this morning, hehehe... sorry for the longwindedness ;D


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