Monday, April 17, 2006

This Can't Be Good, Can It?

Thought of hitting the sheets after the previous entry.

But Britney sings this song and I just have to change the radio-button. The first few bars on the piano -- now that's haunting stuff. A pretty depressing but cathartic song if you could imbue your personal experiences onto it.


Mood: Self-indulgent, though I prefer the Malay word shiok sendiri.

This can't be good -- blogging past 11pm on a Monday night.


At 5:05 am, Blogger mister wan said...

frankly speaking, Britney songs give me bad vibes so i don't listen to them at all if I can help it. But even an anti-Britney such as myself gotta admit that this is one of her better songs// =D


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