Monday, October 24, 2005

How Not To Approach Me

Rush hour just now as I was trying to buy some food to break my fast. Actually I could have make it home on time but why on earth I decided to push it by making a detour to the Guardian Pharmacy [GP] - remained as one of those acts I can't explain. Oh wait a minute, I needed to buy some shampoo.

Don't get me wrong, I think GP is a fine store, but damn, the staff or in this case their promoters could do well with some soft-selling skills.

So I went in there, straight to the shampoo aisle and started to browse. Not even one minute gone by and this promoter came to me with the most 'lian' intro I ever encountered. Or was it her sales pitch?

"You wangne gek loshien for your huwhyte head?"

You know I didn't initially register what the dickens she was saying, not until she began to gesture with her hands and fingers the scrubbing motion on her own nose.

I reminded myself that I was fasting.

You know I'm a very polite person by nature but to be approached by such ilk can annoy me big time. Not to mention those torpedoes-like words sank my ego too. Lol! I ended up staring at her. Come to think of it, it was mean of me to do that, but at least she was spared from my caustic tongue, right? Seeing my silent respond and sensing the unease she wisely backed down. Stupid cow.

One insurance agent got it from me a few months ago and I don't think I want to be displaying that sort of temperament in public again. Fugly.

I looked in the bathroom mirror just now and I cussed, "Where got? Stupid cow..."


At 3:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there

Me pun pernah kena
An Ah Soh promoter perut more bunchit than me promote me slimming pills.


At 8:08 pm, Blogger Summersnail said...

ahaahaak [shakes me head] Crab, I don't know what to say...

Why on earth they hired these people yah? I think even the promoters at Mustafa centre have more class. Lol~


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