Friday, September 23, 2005

Geez.. This Thing Didn't Even Come Close

Some of the stuff like evaluating and offering constructive criticisms are true. The rest are like, I don't know what to say. Careers in accounting and banking are mentioned together in art and writing novels? Poles apart lah... never the twain shall meet. Anyways I'm the youngest in the family. Lol!

Then again I'd let drop my career in a heartbeat if I could be a talented guitarist or painter. Serious... Lol~

You Are Likely a Second Born
At your darkest moments, you feel inadequate. At work and school. You do best when you're evaluating. When you love someone, you offer them constructive criticism.

In friendship, you tend to give a lot of feedback - positive and negative. Your ideal careers are: accounting, banking, art, carpentry, decorating, teaching, and writing novels. You will leave your mark on the world with art and creative projects.

The Birth Order Predictor


At 12:58 am, Blogger papayaface said...

carpentry suits u fine


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